
Before the Blue Food Innovation Summit at the 5⭐️ Hilton Hotel, Bankside, two Salmon Headed characters handed out informative leaflets and recipe cards to guests.

This act of culinary sharing was to tell guests about the RSPCA’s complicity in salmon cruelty.

How can a charity who is supposed to prevent animal cruelty offer its ‘RSPCA Assured’ label to the salmon farming industry?

The ‘RSPCA Assured’ label is meant to assure consumers that animals don’t suffer before they are killed for food. But there’s reports of ‘RSPCA Assured’ salmon farms in Scotland which have extremely high mortality rates, some as high as 74%. That’s 74% of RSPCA assured farmed salmon dying in cruel conditions in a month (Wildfish, 2023). Devoured slowly by sea lice or killed agonisingly by diseases caused by overcrowding.

Isn’t this the very definition of animal cruelty?

What on Earth are you doing RSPCA? Are you wilfully trying to destroy your own reputation?

RSPCA Assured salmon cruelty

The RSPCA is turning a blind eye to the cruelty of Scottish salmon farms, preferring to pocket money from the salmon farming industry for its animal welfare ‘assurance’ labelling instead. You can see this labelling across all Scottish farmed salmon products in all supermarkets. There are even wild allegations that injured and diseased fish are now entering the human food chain in products like smoked salmon and ready-made fish pies.

But don’t worry help is at hand. We have devised a helpful fish pie recipe you can share at your local supermarket – it’s the same one our Salmon Heads shared with guests.

You can download it below and print it at your local printer (double-sided A6) or here online. It explains how the ‘RSPCA Assured’ label really works.


We think all supermarket customers deserve to know what they are buying and how the RSPCA is hoodwinking them and its donors.

Please share photos of your recipe cards in supermarkets with our socials or via the link below.

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