
⬆️ Oh dear it looks like one of our Salmon Heads is eating a guest for breakfast, hopefully it’s just foreshortening.

Breakfasting delegates at today’s Blue Food Innovation Summit at the 5⭐️ Hilton Hotel, Bankside, London, were joined by two grotesque Salmon Headed guests.

As fellow guests devoured croissants, cream cheese and salmon, the Salmon Heads reminded them of the cruelty the salmon had endured before it had been slaughtered, smoked, packed and presented as a breakfast treat. Cruelty which includes crowded cages, disease, fish lice and being pumped full of antibiotics. The Salmon Heads were sure none of this cruelty would be mentioned at the event, with speakers like Mowi’s Catarina Martins (Chief Technology and [wealth] Sustainability Officer) on the agenda they were expecting the usual fishy veil of lies.

⬆️ Mowi, experts in cruelty, pollution and greenwash.

⬆️ The Salmon Heads mingled with guests at the Blue Food Innovation Summit.

The fate of the Ocean depends on us all.
Our interventions depend on your support.

⬆️ A Salmon Head explains to security at the Hilton Hotel that they’re paying guests. But Security is unimpressed, especially since the ‘parfum de salmon’ was beginning to overwhelm the room.

After breakfast the Salmon Heads queued up to join the Blue Food Innovation Summit. But, unfortunately, they hadn’t paid the £1,495 +VAT required to sit amongst the industrial fisheries, sea ‘farms’, venture capital companies and ‘sustainable’ fishing charities who are attending. Instead they were turned away – which is quite lucky as they were both tired of spending time with so many backslapping liars – the stench of greenwash mixed with marine death was too much for their gentle stomachs. And anyway a game of Pink Pong awaited them outside, and that’s much more fun 🙂

⬆️ I guess you want us to leave?

Ocean Rebellion demands a moratorium on the expansion of new and existing farms, as a prelude to the rapid winding down and ending of sea cage salmon farming.

Ocean Rebellion recognises that a just transition is necessary for fish farms workers and demands the Scottish Government follows the encouraging steps taken by British Columbia and Norway, by providing training and investment in coastal communities, to achieve this.

The Scottish Government must concentrate on new policies which have marine health as their only measure of success. It must replace foreign corporate power with West Coast people power. And it must seek to represent the many forms of marine life who actually make the ocean a home.

⬆️ Bye, bye Blue Food Innovation Summit, we’ll see you outside.

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