
The salmon are fuming and are pasting up their anger on the streets of Bristol.

The salmon are hoping their actions capture the attention of Soil Association members, who can rescue their caged salmon friends at this year’s Soil Association AGM. Their caged salmon buddies are certified organic by the Soil Association even though they endure terrible conditions, get fed antibiotics and swim in pesticides (not very organic at all then).

The fate of the Ocean depends on us all.
Our interventions depend on your support.

So why is the Soil Association certifying farmed salmon as organic when it isn’t organic? Why are they misleading the public? Maybe it’s the money from salmon farming? Money which is soiled with environmental damage, animal cruelty, antibiotics and pesticides.

the soil association is soiled by salmon farming

Since 2006 the Soil Association has been certifying farmed salmon as organic, including farms like the Organic Sea Harvest Culnacnoc farm which suffered a serious mortality event at the end of 2022. It lost more than half a million (520,638) farmed salmon over a 6-week period. These salmon died agonising deaths from a multitude of conditions (parasitic, viral, and environmental damage). At one point as many as 325,000 fish died in a single week. 

Is this really organic farming?

We certainly don’t think so and nor do our salmon headed poster paster uppers.

Soil Association, don’t be soiled by salmon farming, remove your salmon farm certifications today or our salmon will be visiting again soon.

Photos by Simon Holliday

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