Print and paste

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Are you tired of seeing the same old adverts telling you to buy this, eat that, shop here, drink that?

Then why not pop up an Ocean Rebellion poster?

Yes we know fly posting is a criminal offence but you can do it legally by gaining a property owners consent, or you can add a poster to your own window.

But there’s a bigger question at play here.

Who gave consent to advertisers to lie to us about Fossil Fuels? Who granted permission to the fashion industry to promote fast fashion and objectify women?

Like so many privileges in society this permission is granted through law and, in particular, ownership of property and land. We, as citizens, are never consulted even though it’s sometimes our local council who rent (or sell) the space, often to companies like JCDeCaux, who in turn rent this space to advertisers for profit. This business even has its own acronym OHH (out of home advertising) and it’s very profitable, in this world everything is street furniture and open to ‘decoration’. Here’s an article explaining just how profitable it is.

The streets are ours as well, shouldn’t we be able to do a bit of decorating too?

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The fate of the Ocean depends on us all.
Our interventions depend on your support.

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You can download and print the posters above using these links, either commercially or on a home printer.

Black and White posters:

Colour posters:

And if you want to paste them up locally just follow this handy guide here

Alternatively you can print them out and use them for whatever you like 🙂

Happy printing (and pasting).

