Ever wondered how cruel salmon farming is? Or why a charity (the RSPCA) created to protect animals from cruelty assures salmon farms?
Well wonder no more.
The ‘RSPCA Assured’ label is meant to assure consumers that animals don’t suffer before they are killed for food. But there’s reports of ‘RSPCA Assured’ salmon farms in Scotland which have extremely high mortality rates, some as high as 74%. That’s 74% of RSPCA assured farmed salmon dying in cruel conditions in a month (Wildfish, 2023). Devoured slowly by sea lice or killed agonisingly by diseases caused by overcrowding.
And why does the RSPCA continue to assure farmed salmon? It’s because the salmon farming industry pays them to do it. The RSPCA receives 0.875p per kilo of gutted farmed salmon a year. This doesn’t sound much but it amounted to £690,000 in 2022. That’s £690,000 paid by cruel salmon farms to an animal anti-cruelty charity. What does the RSPCA think it’s doing?
To help turn the tide on this cruelty we’ve created recipe cards to explain how the RSPCA Assured scheme works.
If you’d like to download the card to share at your local supermarket or in you neighbourhood you can download it below:
Either print the product cards at you local printer at A6 size or send it here to print and deliver. Or you can print them at home, make sure you print them at actual size and in colour.
Please share any photos with us.
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